In 7 days, my son who is my youngest child, will start his adult journey and leave for Navy Boot Camp. I am excited for him, yet sad to have my baby boy go away for this length of time. He will leave his one-traffic-light town that he has grown up in and return a man. A wiser, more mature man, with an education enabling him to create his own dreams. I pray that he finds happiness in his travels.
It is now September 7, 2018 and I briefly spoke to my son, as he just woke up at 6:30 pm. I don’t think this will happen in 4 days from now. He leaves on Tuesday, 9/11 – how ironic is that? Why was this day chosen?
As we only spoke for a short length of time, I could tell he is a bit frightened. As he will be leaving his childhood home to go to a place where he doesn’t know a soul. Being his mother, I just wish that I could go back in time and hold him in my arms again. O Lord, please keep him safe.
We all wish him the very best. We know he will do well in this decision.😊
Thanks for your support and comforting words.